
Member Profile

Member Profile


Member Profile

Meet Rahel, a SumOfUs member who felt compelled to organize in her own community to help end Trump’s corporate coup and stand up for a world where people and planet can thrive.

In an age of multinational companies that are bigger and richer than some countries, it can be easy to feel powerless. But there is a chink in their armor. The biggest corporations in the world rely on ordinary people to keep them in business. We are their customers, their employees, and often their investors. When we act together, we can be more powerful than they are. Together, our community of millions act as a global consumer watchdog – running and winning campaigns to hold the biggest companies in the world accountable.


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  • Date :

    Sep . 26 . 2018

  • CLIENT : SumOfUs
  • Tibet Water
  • The Bee-less Apocalypse